Friday, 20 January 2017

Keywords Match Types in Google AdWords And How To Use Them

Google AdWords Keyword Match Type (Amit Giri)
In Google AdWords keyword match types help to control which searches can trigger your ad. For example, you can use broad match to show your ad to a wide audience or you can use exact match to show your ad to a specific groups of customers.

This blog explains the different match types that are available in Google AdWords and will help to understand how you can use the same to create successful campaigns.

Broad match allows your ad to show for searches on similar phrases and relevant variations, including synonyms, singular and plural forms, possible misspellings, stemming (such as floor and flooring), related searches, and other relevant variations.
Example: kittens
Searches that can match: kittens, kitten photos, adopt a kitten

Broad match modifier allows your ad to show for searches that include your broad match keyword or close variations of your broad match keyword.
Example: +adopt +kitten
Searches that can match: adopt kitten, how to adopt a kitten, best kitten to adopt

Phrase match allows your ad to show only for searches that include the exact phrase, or close variations of that exact phrase, with additional words before or after.
Example: "adopt a kitten"
Searches that can match: adopt a kitten, adopt a kiten, how to adopt a kitten

Exact match allows your ad to show only for searches that use that exact phrase, or close variations of that exact phrase, and no other words.
Example: [adopt a kitten]
Search that can match: adopt a kitten, adopt a kiten

Negative match ensures that your ad doesn't show for any search that includes that term.
Example: -free
Searches that won't match: free kitten adoption, free kitten calendars, who wants to free the kittens

Connect with “Amit Giri” to get answers of your questions or problems related to Google AdWords. He is an PPC Trainer and Expert PPC Consultant, who is providing his services at PPC / SEM Training Classes in Meerut.

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